Saturday, September 24, 2011

How to create a Building Blocks to Finish Chart...Enjoy!

Hi there! My name is Gilmarie. I’m from Puerto Rico. I’m a freshman at SU majoring in writing and rhetoric. I decided to take CLS 105 to help me with my studies. So, far its been helping me to get organized and learn more about my professors through syllabus annotation. I think all the strategies we’ve been working on are great, especially the Building Blocks to Finish strategy. I will explain this in terms of L.A.M.E. ------>

Learner- I'm a visual learner.
Action- I decided the building blocks to finish is a good strategy since its all visual.
Materials- With this I was able to finish my 4-page essay on time for WRT 105, study for my quizzes (PSC, SPA, ETS) and do SPA homework.
Evaluation- It went well in all my classes but I remember writing the 4-page essay the night before in a hurry. This means, next time, I will write down on my chart to do the essay ahead of time, that way I won't be doing it the night before.

Here is how I did it: BUILDING BLOCKS TO FINISH!

1. I opened up Microsoft Word and I clicked on TABLES. There I made a chart.

2. On the first row I wrote down Course and then on the other blocks I wrote down half this week and the next week, starting with Wednesday, September 21 up until Thursday, September 29.

3. Right under Course, on the first row, I wrote down all the courses I’m taking. So, the first row is like this: PSC 121(blue), SPA 202(orange), CLS 105(yellow), ETS 107(green), WRT 105(pink), and CAS 101(purple).

4. Make sure you have a distinguished color for each one of your course rows.

5. Then, on the row of each course I wrote down all the assignments under their due date. For example, as you can see on my chart I wrote down on the CLS 105 row under Sunday, September 25 that the First TECH blog post is due.

First Attempt of a Building Blocks Chart

6 . After writing down when all of my assignments are due, I wrote down under what date I will be doing that task. So, for the TECH blog post I wrote down that I would do it on Friday, September 23 (which I am doing right now!).

7. When that is done, you must highlight the course row until the assignment due date. I just highlighted the row completely but I’m going to change it because it doesn’t look as focused that way.

8 . And that is how you create a BUILDING BLOCKS TO FINISH! J

I find that this is a great and easy way to see when your papers, exams, or homework are due. And if you’re a visual learner like me then it’s even better!

It is also helpful to have yourself organized by writing down when you will write the paper or study in advanced for a test because your disciplining yourself into doing what you have to do. That way you don’t procrastinate!

NOTE: This is useful because I wrote down that I would write this post today, Friday, September 23 and I just finished it. Wish you could see my happy face right now!

New and improved one:

Hope you enjoyed :)


  1. Hey Gilmarie! I really liked how you wrote down when you would complete each assignment as well as having the due date. The colors are also a nice way to be creative, while being organized. It seems like this was very helpful! I'll definitely think about using this more often!

  2. WOW! This is a great blog, I am super impressed with your explanation of how to do and use the building blocks. I really like your idea about highlighting the course row of the due date, I never thought of that and think that can be really helpful as well. Thank you for your ideas!
